The Rings of Power – Comic Con Trailer

Just one week ago we got a more than 2 minutes teaser… Now we have a new one which is more than 3 minutes and gives us far more details. This week’s trailer begins to truly set the stage of epic battle between the recovered populations of men, dwarves, and elves, and a dreaded evil rising once more from Middle-earth—which goes by “many names” but is clearly personified by Sauron.

The character of Galadriel is the first in the trailer to see a vision of a newly rising evil, while Prince Durin IV is warned directly that Sauron’s forces are planning to “bury us all beneath the mountain” (Khazad-dûm). We also finally see the previously teased “Stranger” character, who accosts Theo, the son of Bronwyn, in a shared prison cell and grimly asks, “Have you heard of Sauron?”.

Although we don’t get a head-on look at a clear villain, a Sauron-like hand is visible in select scenes (including one where many orc-like monsters bow in its wake), while a menacing sword, made of dark dust and fire, generates within Theo’s hand in a way that resembles a Morgul-blade. All the while, a previously unseen eye-shaped mark appears throughout the trailer, perhaps signifying the presence of Sauron or an equivalent evil. The trailer also shows more than a few examples of opposed races allying in moments where their combined forces are needed to face a great evil.

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